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    Meet the designers


    MSDS Studio is a Toronto based furniture, lighting, and interior design practice run by Jessica Nakanishi and Jonathan Sabine. Their work is a synthesis of Jessica's experience in interior design and Jonathan's background in furniture and cabinet making. They were named Canadian product designers of the year in 2015. Jonathan's bottle opener design is in the permanent collection of the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.
    On Their Design Philosophy MSDS Studio We try to employ the principles of good design and craftsmanship in the pursuit of forms that are familiar yet provocative. We believe that a clearly expressed concept and element of surprise can compel someone to acquire an object, and that nuance and craft can compel them to keep it. We value imagination, the practical, the beautiful, the useful, and the strange.

    On Scandinavian design:

    "To us, Scandinavian design today is a realignment of the production of domestic goods with its founding values. It ties the concerns of humanism, beauty, and simplicity into a contemporary manufacturing and cultural context. The new dimensions of Scandinavian design has provided us, and many other young designers, with both an idiom and a venue for forward-looking, accessible designs."

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