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    Morten Kühl and Matias Hansen founded the Copenhagen-based image making studio Kühl & Han to create an alternative to what they dub ‘macho motion graphics aesthetics’, embracing a softer, more tactile approach. Their clients include Muuto, Google, Nike, and Arc’Teryx, to name a few.  

    The company’s new headquarters in an old umbrella factory in the bustling neighborhood of Vesterbro intertwines their work with a love of the analog, blending the borders between digital and tangible.  

    Craft of composition 

    Essentially, their work is about light and surfaces. Framing and illuminating objects and people. It is a playful process. Graphic compositions are seen as if through an analog lens, grounding the digital version of an object in something physical. The result is evocative and strangely close to what we consider ‘real life.’ It is soft and striking.  

    We want it to feel as natural as possible, but also to be able to ‘direct’ nature, says Matias.  

    Their craft is in the small details and nuances that make something feel just right, physically compelling, and recognizable. It is about materiality and tactility, the feel of a fabric. It’s technical, but the experience feels effortless. Kühl & Han are known for their exceptional knack with color, a sensitivity that also translates to their own space. 

    Color affects the mood 

    When redesigning their offices, they subtly drew these elements into their own physical environment. Bright, deep, and gentle bursts of color accentuate simple yet tactile spaces that feel spacious, dynamic, and calming.  

    Says Morten Some of the color choices we have made are bolder than we’ve dared to be in our workplace before. Interacting with color in this way can feel really energizing. It reflects the way we work with color"

    A forest green Outline Sofa from Muuto takes a central place in their workspace, signaling a break from the screen - shift into a different mode: art books are laid out on the Workshop Coffee Table while the Outline Daybed invites reclined rest or a casual meeting in a more comfortable setting.  

    Leaning on light   

    Light plays an essential role here, with translucent curtains filtering the copious amount of daylight, supported by a generous blend of table, floor, and pendant lamps that allow the team to adjust the light to fit the task at hand.  

    Morten "Light in the office is as essential as it is to our work - even if a lot of our time is spent working digitally, explains Morten. It really impacts our mood throughout the day."

    Our circadian rhythm is greatly impacted by both natural and artificial light - the amount of it, its temperature, and when we are exposed to it all play into whether we feel at ease or more alert and focused. 

    Making space for transformation 

    More formal meetings take place next door, around a deep, blue-tinted solid Douglas wood table, a statement. It creates a grounding mood enhanced by the warm materiality of the Workshop Chair. Meanwhile, semi–transparent drapes enable a sense of immersion and privacy while contributing to gentler acoustics. It is a versatile and embracing space adaptable to the time of day and task ahead.  

    Our office mixes new things with objects made by friends and second-hand furniture. Its personality is built over time. 

    Matias "We enjoy living in a space, gradually getting to know it rather than making all interior decisions simultaneously. It is the same for a home as for a creative office. We learn something about how to use this space optimally each day. It is in constant transformation as objects are added and subtracted"

    Objects that tickle the senses 

    The library, with its tangerine-colored sofa, is a place for replenishing creative energy and focusing on research. Technology does not direct their process, on the contrary - their work is inspired by furniture design, among other things. Therefore, the space is not only an archive of previous work and a large collection of books, it is a library of objects of affection. Objects that inspire them, an exhibition of colors, shapes, textures, and materials that spur an instant sensation.  

    Morten "We like to surround ourselves with great design when we work, it helps our creative process"

    Inviting the mind to wander 

    The long, rectangular shape of the office is broken up by a few walls that make up rooms with different functions. At one end, the main workspace is where the team works individually on projects, while the opposite end - the kitchen - represents communion and a break from work. Here, a sprawling Workshop Table in Black and Workshop Chairs in Oak bring the team together for lunch and conversations, a beating heart of the community.  

    Our work is often focused and individual. We trust each other’s process. As we are used to working remotely, we wanted to create a wide range of work settings to accommodate our team’s unique needs and plenty of room to meet physically, says Matias.  

    "I like how one side of the office represents focus, the opposite winding down and chatting to each other."

    Carefully chosen objects of use, such as the Wave Tray in Steel, Raise Carafe and Glasses in Dark Blue, and Mere Bowl in Light Green, enable the eye and senses to wander, explore, and be gently stimulated. To rest the mind and eyes. It is a great example of how the Kühl & Han HQ combines color, light, and natural materials to create a uniquely balanced workspace, making room for the individual and the group as a whole. With all of our facets and need for quiet, connection, and inspiration. 

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