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    We like to consider them our second home; the spaces that we stay in for brief periods of time yet need to feel intuitively at ease in. Be it a large hotel, small boutique space, furnished apartment or boarding house, the designs in our collection create cohesion through large product families while bringing a familiar sense to spaces we call home, every now and then.

    selected products for staying

    In refined colors & textures
    Dark, deeper tones bring a refined sense of elegance to a space, especially when paired with understated layers of colors.
    Explore our Configurator
    Create inviting spaces for staying
    In earthy colors & textures
    Create a soft and inviting feel by introducing organic materiality, tone-in-tone contrasts and subtle hues.

    Muuto Project — Badehusene

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    Get creative with our Linear System Planner
    The Linear System Series Planner allows you to explore the extensive possibilities of the design. Create the configuration that suits the aesthetic and functional needs of your project, customizing across tables, lighting designs, accessories, and power solutions.
    Our Product Configurator allows you to get playful and explore more than 100.000 combinations of colors alongside textile and leather upholsteries across our entire range of sofas as well as selected chairs and tables.
    Outline Highback Work 100 in Divina 984 - Outline Highback 120 Cabin 2-Seater SH45 w. Table in Balder 432 - Echo Pouf in Steelcut 820 - Five Pouf in Fiord 451

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