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    Our Operations our work internally

    We always consider how our decisions will affect the lives of those around us. That also includes evaluating our internal operations.

    Our sustainability policy

    At Muuto, we aim to take responsibility for our operations and reflect on the choices we make and how our priorities affect people and the environment across our value chain. From the materials we select to the partners we work with, the independent institutes we test and certify our products through, and all the way down to our packaging. Our approach is based on knowledge and staying curious.

    This commitment is outlined in our Sustainability Policy, where we set out to conduct our business responsibly with the smallest possible adverse impact on Environmental, Social, and Governance matters.

    Read more in our Sustainability Policy

    50% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions

    By 2030 our goal is to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 50% across Scope 1, 2, and 3 – using 2022 as baseline year. We use the Greenhouse Gas Protocol to measure and manage the carbon in our operations, enabling us to make informed decisions to achieve this target. We've made this commitment as we believe in taking accountability for reducing our emissions to fight against the negative impacts of climate change.

    working with målbar

    The Danish company, Målbar offers a screening tool that lets us measure our CO2-emission per product. By tracking a product's components and their origins it's possible to calculate the total CO2 emission of a product. This makes it possible to make the most responsible choices when it comes to choosing materials, packaging, transport and knowing the impact this will have on the environment. With our work with the Målbar tool, we are able to listen, learn and improve our operations by taking informed and well-considered choices about the products we bring to the market.

    united nations global compact

    As of March 2022, we joined the United Nations Global Compact initiative. By that, we commit ourselves to align our strategies and operations with the Ten Universal Principles of the United Nations Global Compact — in the areas of human and labor rights, environment and anti-corruption.

    view our participant profile

    our switch to 100% renewable energy

    When it comes to our own Muuto spaces, we want to make sure that we’re doing our part in protecting the environment. Both internally in our organization and in terms of our community. That’s why we are switching to renewable energy. Our Danish HQ, offices and warehouses are running on 100% renewable energy. A move that lowers our overall carbon footprint.