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    Dots Wood Ø9 cm in Sage Green and Dusty Green, Framed Mirror in Dark Green, Mini Stacked Small, Ease Portable Lamp in Black, Loft Chair in Deep Red, Ply Rug in Black/White


    • A Muuto setting featuring a stacked seat cushion upholstered in Steelcut 985. The scene includes a moss green Ply rug made from recycled polyester, Dots and Fine wall lamp. The cushion, textured rug, and refined lighting create a stylish and cozy environment
    • Dots Wood Ø9 cm in Sage Green and Dusty Green, Framed Mirror in Dark Green, Mini Stacked Small, Ease Portable Lamp in Black, Loft Chair in Deep Red, Ply Rug in Black/White
    • Attach Coat Hooks in Oak/Aluminum, Oak/Dark Green and Oak/Rose, Cover Chair in Black, Restore Basket in Burnt Orange, Ply Rug in White/Black
    • Avail Coat Rack in Grey, Framed Mirror in Dark Green
    • Coil Coat Rack 100 cm Dark Green, Fiber Stool Tube Base Black/Steelcut Trio 153, Folded Burnt Orange, Post Wall Lamp.
    • Fiber Stool Dusty Green/Stained Dark Brown Rime Wall Lamp Dots Wood Ply Rug Black/White
    • Stacked Storage System in Grey - Coil Coat Rack 200 cm in Black - Restore Tray in Grey - Visu Chair Wood Base - Restore in Burnt Orange - Ply Rug - Beam Lamp in Aluminum
    • Attach Coat Hook Pale Blue, Burnt Orange, and Aluminum
    • Dots Wood Ø6,5 in Oak - Raise Glass in Clear
    • A Muuto setting featuring a stacked seat cushion upholstered in Steelcut 985. The scene includes a moss green Ply rug made from recycled polyester, Dots and Fine wall lamp. The cushion, textured rug, and refined lighting create a stylish and cozy environment
    • Dots Wood Ø9 cm in Sage Green and Dusty Green, Framed Mirror in Dark Green, Mini Stacked Small, Ease Portable Lamp in Black, Loft Chair in Deep Red, Ply Rug in Black/White
    • Attach Coat Hooks in Oak/Aluminum, Oak/Dark Green and Oak/Rose, Cover Chair in Black, Restore Basket in Burnt Orange, Ply Rug in White/Black
    • Avail Coat Rack in Grey, Framed Mirror in Dark Green
    • Coil Coat Rack 100 cm Dark Green, Fiber Stool Tube Base Black/Steelcut Trio 153, Folded Burnt Orange, Post Wall Lamp.
    • Fiber Stool Dusty Green/Stained Dark Brown Rime Wall Lamp Dots Wood Ply Rug Black/White
    • Stacked Storage System in Grey - Coil Coat Rack 200 cm in Black - Restore Tray in Grey - Visu Chair Wood Base - Restore in Burnt Orange - Ply Rug - Beam Lamp in Aluminum
    • Attach Coat Hook Pale Blue, Burnt Orange, and Aluminum
    • Dots Wood Ø6,5 in Oak - Raise Glass in Clear
    • A Muuto setting featuring a stacked seat cushion upholstered in Steelcut 985. The scene includes a moss green Ply rug made from recycled polyester, Dots and Fine wall lamp. The cushion, textured rug, and refined lighting create a stylish and cozy environment
    • Dots Wood Ø9 cm in Sage Green and Dusty Green, Framed Mirror in Dark Green, Mini Stacked Small, Ease Portable Lamp in Black, Loft Chair in Deep Red, Ply Rug in Black/White
    • Attach Coat Hooks in Oak/Aluminum, Oak/Dark Green and Oak/Rose, Cover Chair in Black, Restore Basket in Burnt Orange, Ply Rug in White/Black
    • Avail Coat Rack in Grey, Framed Mirror in Dark Green
    • Coil Coat Rack 100 cm Dark Green, Fiber Stool Tube Base Black/Steelcut Trio 153, Folded Burnt Orange, Post Wall Lamp.
    • Fiber Stool Dusty Green/Stained Dark Brown Rime Wall Lamp Dots Wood Ply Rug Black/White
    • Stacked Storage System in Grey - Coil Coat Rack 200 cm in Black - Restore Tray in Grey - Visu Chair Wood Base - Restore in Burnt Orange - Ply Rug - Beam Lamp in Aluminum
    • Attach Coat Hook Pale Blue, Burnt Orange, and Aluminum
    • Dots Wood Ø6,5 in Oak - Raise Glass in Clear



    Designed with friendly, inviting expressions: Our collection of coat hooks for any space of the home.