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    café spaces

    the café

    Café spaces are spaces that encourage us to socialize and where we recharge. In the café space, we’re taking advantage of the natural daylight coming in from several sides of the room. Combining this with the natural materials of the Cover Side Chair and Stools and Nerd Stools, all in oak, we wanted to create a warm and inviting café area that feels connected to the outside.

    Our circadian rhythm is greatly impacted by light. For example, sunrises and sunsets affect us profoundly and help us stay connected to our circadian rhythm, and warmer light temperatures inspire a sense of calm, helping us to wind down and relax.
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    Soft Dining, Café & Coffee Table

    Subtle yet characterful with its rounded and soft surfaces and understated functionalities, the table can complement any atmosphere.
    A versatile series, offering a wide range of design possibilities and user-centric features.
    Now available in new sizes and colors offering a broader use - from coffee tables, cafe tables, dining, to high top tables.







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